Interesting facts

As an operator of a commercial or public use of drinking water installations, you are obliged, in accordance with the German drinking water regulation to ensure the flawless quality of supplied drinking water and to check on a regular basis.

The sampling for Legionella must be carried out by accredited and according to drinking water regulation approved laboratories. A certification of the Sampling alone is not enough. The microbiological determination of Legionella has to be carried out in accordance with the ISO 11731 procedure. You can find more information here

Yes, according to section 31, paragraph 1, of the drinking water regulation 2023 operators are obliged to examine their drinking water installations regularly for the presence of Legionella. Public use facilities such as Hotels, schools and sports have to do sites like this at least once a year, while commercial systems is required at least every three years to Legionella tested. These measures serve to protect the health of Consumers and the minimization of potential risks.

The sampling for Legionella must be carried out by accredited and according to drinking water regulation approved laboratories. A certification of the Sampling alone is not enough. The microbiological determination of Legionella has to be carried out in accordance with the ISO 11731 procedure. You can find more information here

Legionellae are facultative pathogenic micro-organisms, which means that they can cause, under certain conditions, and infections. Infection with Legionella can cause two different diseases: the Pontiac fever and Legionnaires ' disease. The Pontiac fever manifests itself with flu-like symptoms, and is usually less severe. However, Legionnaires ' disease, also known as Legionella pneumonia, a lung infection that can be life-threatening. Drinking water installations, in particular, equipment and facilities, clouding the water, such as showers, are potential sources of Legionella proliferation. If Legionella-contaminated aerosols are inhaled, it can be called a Legionella infection. Whether a Person is infected, depends on various factors, among others. the gender, the age, the Status of the immune system, the root of the inhaled Legionella, the Existence of underlying diseases, and more.

The sampling for Legionella must be carried out by accredited and according to drinking water regulation approved laboratories. A certification of the Sampling alone is not enough. The microbiological determination of Legionella has to be carried out in accordance with the ISO 11731 procedure. You can find more information here

Water supply and water distribution systems, public and commercially used buildings need to Ellen, in accordance with the valid drinking water regulations, including regularly on Legion (Legionella spp.) are investigated. The sampling according to the international DIN EN ISO 19458 Standard, and the analysis of the collected water samples for environmental samples according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited and according to drinking water regulation approved laboratory to be (study place). A list of in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratories can be found on the Home Pages of the competent Supreme land authority. 

The sampling for Legionella must be carried out by accredited and according to drinking water regulation approved laboratories. A certification of the Sampling alone is not enough. The microbiological determination of Legionella has to be carried out in accordance with the ISO 11731 procedure. You can find more information here

A comprehensive description of your duties as an operator of drinking water installations, it is stated in various sections of the drinking water regulation, 2023, such as, for example, in section 31 of the investigative duties regarding Legionella, § 51, obligations to act in the case of Legionella, and § 52 of the information obligation in case of Exceeding limit and maximum values as well as the technical measures value for Legionella.

A different and more extensive procedure is required for the high-risk areas of hospitals and other medical facilities. And it is true that for these areas a target value of 0 CFU/100 ml and a risk value of >= 1 CFU/100 ml
For more information, see here

When you Reach the technical measures value of 100 CFU/100 ml of Legionella operator must immediately conduct a risk assessment or have them carried out. Information on what to find here

According to the German drinking water regulation, the technical measures is the value of 100 CFU/100 ml of water removed from the sample (CFU = colony forming units) in the case of Legionella (Legionella spp.) are observed. If this value is exceeded, measures are to be taken immediately. Namely, among other things, investigations to clarify the reasons for the Legionella contamination is to perform a risk assessment / risk analysis and measures, or have performed, all of which are for the protection of the health of the consumer is necessary. In addition, the operator is required, the excess of the technical measures of the value of view and to inform the affected users.

A different and more extensive procedure is required for the high-risk areas of hospitals and other medical facilities. And it is true that for these areas a target value of 0 CFU/100 ml and a risk value of >= 1 CFU/100 ml
For more information, see here
