
Expert performance for drinking water hygiene
We support you around the theme of water hygiene and Microbiology, preventive as well as reactive on each level.
Preventive: What to do, so that microbial contamination (contamination with Legionella, Pseudomonas and other water-associated micro-organisms) be avoided?
Ideally, such conditions will not give way, by the operator of the drinking water installation that a Legionella contamination or contamination with other water-associated microorganisms, even.
Through appropriate inspection and analysis of your drinking water installation, a risk analysis (Risk Assessment) is performed. The points are listed – if they exist – the deviations from the generally accepted rules of the art (state), as well as the appropriate reference as shown condition. This risk analysis can be used in the case of an occurring microbial contamination as the basis for the required risk assessment / hazard analysis, so that an immediate response, as required by law will be made possible.
Hospitals and other medical facilities:
For the high-risk areas of hospitals and other medical facilities for further requirements on the hygienic quality of the water, because the users of the drinking water installations of these devices can carry the risk of an immune deficiency. In addition, the water used in these facilities in other areas, such as the treatment of Medical products. Our advanced hygiene expertise specifically for the medical field helps you to know the water quality requirements for these areas so that the appropriate Compliance can be offered.
These requirements are, among other things, the Commission for hospital hygiene and infection prevention (KRINKO), the German society for hospital hygiene (KRINKO) and other companies and organizations, such as the Initiative for Chronic wounds (ICW), the (European) Center for Disease Control (eCDC), the world health organization (WHO, World Health Organization), and other groups defined and published.
We work with the colleagues from the Hospital hygiene, as well as the medical and nursing staff of the various stations, as well as with the Technical management and purchasing, and support on an interdisciplinary level, the respective water hygiene committees (Water Safety Groups), such as the WHO, since 2011, is recommended.

Creating a water safety plan
In 2004, the has World health organization (WHO) the development and implementation of water safety plans (Water Safety Plan) for drinking water systems is recommended. A water safety plan is a dynamic process that allows a systematic assessment of a drinking water system and the Management of relevant risks supported. We are your partners in the creation and implementation of water safety plans for water systems. The existence and implementation of a water safety plan is a proven preventive measures to avoid water-associated contamination and infections.

Creating a risk assessment
Reactive: What to do, if microbial contamination (contamination with Legionella, Pseudomonas and other water-associated micro-organisms) in my drinking water installations have been found?
If microbial contamination with Legionella, Pseudomonas, mycobacteria, or other water-associated microorganisms in your drinking water installation, we are with You with our experience and Expertise to the side. We will help you to take appropriate measures in order to evaluate the resulting risks, and to minimize. In particular, when the technical measures value for Legionella of 100 CFU / 100 ml, we support you in the implementation of a written risk assessment / Risk analysis in accordance with the requirements of the drinking water regulation, den Recommendations of the Federal office for the environment and the generally recognized rules of technology. Our interdisciplinary Team conducts on-site inspections, and takes into account all of the relevant parameters, the required risk assessment carried out in accordance with the requirements of the drinking water regulation and the recommendations of the Federal office for the environment to. This enables a hygienic assessment of your drinking water installation, you can understand how your users are to protect, and you can meet as the operator of the legal requirements. As the drinking water regulation, shall be prescribed in the context of the risk assessment, the Drinking water sampling results analyzed and evaluated and used to identify potential Risks used.

Management of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
If Pseudomonas aeruginosa in your drinking water installation will be demonstrated, whether Central or local, we support you in the management of this special microbiological challenge. In contrast to Legionella, the Occurrence of which is mainly due to technical reasons, may Pseudomonas aeruginosa also in correctly built and operated water systems and peripheral colonize, for example, water taps, shower heads or wastes.
In view of the different properties of these microorganisms, their Management requires different approaches. Here is a close cooperation between the medical staff, hospital hygiene and technical personnel is of vital importance. With our interdisciplinary Expertise, we are your Partner in order to cope with these challenges successfully.
We offer offline and online training and education, and to customize your target audience and your content, your choice.

Preparation of water-hygiene-expert opinion
As experts in water, hygiene standn we You as a competent contact for all questions relating to water hygiene available. With years of experience and expertise in the industry offern we professional opinions on various topics of water hygiene.
Why are the drinking water hygiene expert opinion relevant?
The quality of drinking water is of vital importance for the health and well-being. As experts in water hygiene, it is our Task, ensure that drinking water meets the highest Standards of quality, and as free as possible from potential Risks. Through the preparation of reports of possible danger can be identified reservoirs, analyzed and appropriate measures to safeguard the quality of drinking water to be worked out. Reports also support the education of existing contamination, the determination of the responsibility of the rehabilitation of the drinking water installation of the parties involved, as well as the reasons for the clarification of persistent infections.
In view of the different properties of these microorganisms, their Management requires different approaches. Here is a close cooperation between the medical staff, hospital hygiene and technical personnel is of vital importance. With our interdisciplinary Expertise, we are your Partner in order to cope with these challenges successfully.
We offer offline and online training and education, and to customize your target audience and your content, your choice.

Training courses, training events and lectures
The issues of water hygiene, Water Microbiology, the prevention of water-associated infections, the relevant routes of Transmission, and its interruption, the efficiency of different interventions such as control and remediation measures, the legal basis and the relevant recommendations and laws are among the most important areas we hold training sessions and training events. Depending on the target group, whether medical staff, hygienists Teams, quality management Representative, or Technical managers, facilities Management Teams, building operators and managers, employees of the health authorities, property managers, Insurance professionals, engineers, sanitary companies and other contact person and Responsible for the quality of the water, and We provide you with the relevant issues and make sure that you get the necessary or desired Know-How from us.
We offer offline and online training and education, and to customize your target audience and your content, your choice.
Why the quality of your drinking water entrust to us ?
- We combine Hygiene, Microbiology and technology of our approach
- We follow the latest scientific findings and this is a place to position the best possible quality of your drinking water
- We bring many years of experience in both clinical and non-clinical area
- We cooperate with national and international experts
- We are independent, we do not sell products, but to our Know-How and our experience
- We understand and master the discrepancies between theory and practice, and perform on your System adjusted analyses. No one-fits-all concepts
- We work in German, English and Greek